Monday, November 17, 2008

Youth Noise

I photographed the YouthNoise DROP campaign on Saturday.

YouthNoise and Parsons The New School for Design, co-sponsored and partnered to launch DROP: a campaign focused on bringing creative young people together to create actions with local, national, and international impacts on the water crisis.

This day-long summit served as the initial step in a personal and team campaign for 75 emerging social entrepreneurs and activists in the greater New York metropolitan area. Part awareness building, part community building and 100% focused on social change, this summit offered opportunities for committed young people to dive into the complex world of water issues facing our global community.

It was a well organized event. Students were passionate about service and learned tangible ways to realize their projects. It was great to photograph especially because I learned quite a bit (that I can apply to Pedagogy of Photography and teach my students) by listening to the speakers (UNICEF, ALLOY...)that I was photographing. We saw clips of a documentary called FLOW which is a must see!

To view photos of the event click here, Youth Noise Summit Photos

You Tube Video

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night In Harlem

November 4th, 2008, Harlem, NY USA. I spent the evening photographing the Harlem Historic Community Celebration at the State Office Plaza, 125th St & Adam Clayton Powell. Over 2,000 people gathered in the plaza to watch the election results. After Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, people paraded up and down 125th street.

Historic Night in Harlem

Barack Obama is elected president of the United States.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Shout Out to Michel Leroy

A special thanks to lighting master Michel Leroy who I met at the Eddie Adams Workshop. He has been guiding me in studio lighting these past few weeks in NYC. Thanks Michel. Check out his work! He is an awesome photographer and teacher!

Copyright Michel Leroy