Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Cover On My Favorite Magazine

So many of my loves converged today -Nicaragua, SUN Magazine, Photography, Peace Corps, Sacred Celebrations and a Mothers love for her Son. It is such an honor to have a photograph taken en mi querida Nicaragua on the July cover of SUN Magazine & my sweet babe is mentioned in the on the cover blurb. Click here to view it and here to read about my photograph.

"KATIE DelaVAUGHN lives in Brooklyn, New York, and is smitten with her infant son, Wendell, born in February. She took this month’s cover photograph in 2008 in Altagracia, Nicaragua, where she had been a Peace Corps volunteer. The children are part of a wedding procession that is about to go from the bride’s house to the church in the town square."

If you would like a copy of this magical magazine you can get a free trial offer here or you can find it at a store near you here.

It was so great to hear from so many Peace Corps friends who received the SUN in their mailbox or who contacted me after they saw Peace Corps tweet about it on twitter or the SUN post it on their facebook page. Who would of thought that 7 years ago in my first Peace Corps site where we lived without running water or electricity, where I hauled water from the well to develop my negatives from a film camera and where we had to travel 5 hours by boat to check email that I would get in touch immediately with former RPCV's (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers)and Nicaraguan friends when my photography is tweeted and faceboked about. I look forward to returning to Nicaragua to give the families copies of the magazine where they beautifully grace the cover and introduce them to the newest addition to our family!

More about the SUN

"The Sun is an ad-free monthly magazine that features some of the most radically intimate and socially conscious writing being published today. It’s not a “literary” magazine, though we publish heartfelt fiction and personal essays about the human condition. Nor is it a “political” magazine, though each issue features an interview with someone who invites us to see the world differently. And it’s not a “spiritual” magazine, though writing in The Sun honors the mystery at the heart of existence. In short, The Sun is a magazine unlike any other: always authentic, always personal, always relevant."