A special thanks to Miriam Romais, Executive Director of En Foco for inviting Pedagogy of Photography (POP) students to the opening of Rojelio Reyes Rodriguez's photography exhibit, Mi Sangre at Pregones Theater.
What aspects of your culture would you want to portray? Would you focus on traditional culture, contemporary culture or both?
"I would like to portray how much unity we have together in cultural festivals. It striked me the most in traditional wear because I realize that I am losing myself in modern U.S. and not finding myself close to my roots." -Jenifer Mejia- 8th grade
"I would portray the struggles many of our people face everyday and the fact that we always stick together and help each other all the time. I would focus on traditional culture."-Christopher Mejia 8th grade
"I would like to take pictures of it's landscapes such as Ecuador's beach. I would do both."-Christina Aviles- 8th grade
"The family, the way we live together, the way we connected through emotion and physical attachments (living in the same yard)."-Vivia Thompson 8th grade
"I'd like to portray are braids with the ribbon of the Mexican flag. I think I'd focus on traditional culture because my whole family has kept it and I want it to continue."- Katya Urbano 8th grade
What comparisons can you make between the images of the elderly and the young?
"The young are very proud but they show that they not only are proud but that they've kept their culture strong". -Vivia Thompson- 8th grade
"They make the elderly seem young and the old seem younger." -Christina Aviles- 8th grade
"Both the elderly and young seem attached to their roots"- Jenifer Mejia 8th grade
"Both the young and elderly look proud to be taking these pictures. I can also see they are posed to show, to flash, to shine and I show you it's who I am and I'm proud." -Christopher Mejia- 8th grade
This exhibition focuses on portraiture to describe traditional Mexican culture. How do you think that affects the story that is being told? Do you think the story would change if there were other types of images included (city or landscapes, group images, candid moments)?
"It affects it by giving more details about the cultural story, Yes, it would change because it wouldn't show so much culture in it. People don't us the clothing or other stuff in everyday life."-Kayta Urbano 8th grade
"Yes, because everything in a picture affects the overall outcome of the message you are trying to send." -Vivia Thompson 8th grade
"The story being told is only by one person's eyes and not someone elses. I don't think it would change the story by putting more in it, landscape etc but actual improve the story and make it more real." Christopher Mejia- 8th grade
I think these photos affect the story because if there was other type of pictures besides Mexican culture then it wouldn't fit in."- Jenifer Mejia 8th grade.
After looking at the works, what do you think the photographer (Rojelio Reyes Rodriguez) does to define mexicanidad (Mexican heritage)?
"The photographer made the people dress in Mexican traditional clothing." - Mario Staka 8th grade
"He uses the outside background, the clothing and the hairstyles." -Katya Urbano 8th grade
"The look, or expressions on the peoples faces and the way they pose for it." -Jenifer Mejia 8th grade
"I like the 1 with a man wearing a mariachi suit and hat and he's hiding his face with it. What I like is the fact he's hiding his identity. Reminds me of me."-Christopher Mejia- 8th grade
"My favorite photo is Orgullo" because it symbolizes pride in Mexican culture. It also seems that she is very attached to her roots which I am slowly losing. I admire her." -Jenifer Mejia 8th grade
"The picture I liked best was the one with the kid and the chicken because it was really a thing that brought me laughter."-Mario Staka- 8th grade
"I like the image of where a kid is standing in the middle of the field. It's interesting because its sort of an alone picture. It creates a sad and confused mood like real life."-Christina Aviles-8th grade
What kinds of connections can you make between the images?
"One connection would be my roots which I don't have, that are being portrayed. A theme what is repeated is the wardrobe."- Jenifer Mejia 8th grade
"Each picture is connected by culture." - Christopher Mejia 8th grade
"Purity and proud pride- these people take pride in their picture and are proud to be who they are."-Vivia Thompson 8th grade